Wednesday, April 24, 2013

American Inspirational Speaker

Liz Murray becomes an American inspirational speaker because of many reasons. One reason is Murray never given up although she was on incredibly difficult circumstance. She became homeless at age 15, when her mother died of AIDS and her father moved to homeless shelter. In addition, she was good in education. Murray graduated her high school in only two years and she was awarded a New York Scholarship for poor students and accepted at Hardvard University. Last, Murray is a founder and director of Manifest Living, a New York based company whose mission is to empower adults to create the extraordinary in their own lives. She has spent the last ten years traveling to over a dozen countries, inspiring thousands of people as one of the most highly sought after inspirational speakers in the world. Therefore, many people was inspired by Liz Murray's life. (written by : Yuyun Wilarsih)

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