Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Benefits of Blogs in Teaching and Learning

Like cultural practices, blogs are impacting teaching and learning with their socio-technical nature. Internationally, blogs have received much public attention, boasting more than five million bloggers. A blog is simply an online journal that eases the process of publishing on the web and allows for virtual interaction. Technology constructivists argue that such technological developments, like blogs, and their impact are intrinsically social, encouraging collaborative learning among users.
Blogs are educational technologies that align well with the social constructivist perspective of learning, which maintains that culture and context are critical in knowledge construction and understanding. Blogs, as learning spaces, support the view that reality depends on socialization with others; meanings are created through interactions; and learning is a highly social and active process.
The potentials of blogs in education are endless
These include, but are not limited to, the following:
·         Although blogs are considered new forms of educational technology, the concept of educational journals is not that new. Blogs merely replace traditional diaries and journals, which have been very successful in the instructional process.
·         A blog promotes the social practice of collaboration.
·         Blogs allow participants to share work with others beyond their classroom. Hence, interactions become more open.
·         These educational technology tools provide opportunities for students to extend learning beyond the walls of the classroom and to widen their social networks.
·         Through authentic activities, students become creators of information and are answerable to a larger audience.
·         Blogging is not restricted by time. Bloggers can participate any time of the day.
As a lecturer in instructional technology, I find blogs very useful in the training of pre-service teachers. For example, I use blogs to communicate with student-teachers during the practicum. Here, student-teachers get to share their experiences from the many different schools in which they are placed. They also share useful resources such as lesson plans and instructional media. This allows supervisors and other practicing teachers to comment. It creates a learning community for the pre-service teachers at a time that can be very challenging for them. Individuals learn from both their mistakes and the mistakes of others.
Despite the many potential benefits of blogs in education, there are many challenges in implementing and using them. The following is critical for the success of blogs in teaching and learning:
Their implementation is best approached gradually. That is, a step-by-step manner, where everyone buys into the culture of public journals as opposed to their previous private relations to teachers and peers.
·         Prior to the use of blogs in teaching and learning, everyone must be properly introduced to the technology first.
·         Teachers’ role will change from that of a ‘sage on the stage’ to a ‘guide on the side’. Teachers cannot approach blogs as hoarders of knowledge but as facilitators of knowledge construction
·         Access to the required technology must be properly explored to ensure that everyone benefits equally.
·         The objectives and expectations of the blog must also be made clear to the students from early.
·         Feedback is critical in these online journals. With little or no follow-up the blog will die. Students must be encouraged to participate.

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